- trying bash_it
- sluggish login time
- need : bash debug using -x, set PS4
- trace -> inspect under vim
- discover fancy color name generator
- perlishly lispy thing
- large set of nested, args eating, function aggregating bits of term code on the output
- very DSL
- followed by a cute 30-something calls to generate a set of {,bold,underline,blah}color variables.
I may be wrong, it seems this stacking of functions is not very cheap, at least not on my VM on a core duo. When I trace the login, thousands of calls, 90% are color related, mostly identical. I feel like looking at the naive recursive Fibonacci function.
Anyway disabling colors made bash-it invisible (sic) again.
cheat url summary :
- PS4 string to see stack >>> http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/scripting/debuggingtips
- Trace, tee log a script >>> http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/3310/run-a-bash-script-in-debug-mode-show-output-and-save-it-on-a-file
- Mass comment in vim >>> http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Commenting_out_a_range_of_lines
and the original project :
- bash-it >>> https://github.com/revans/bash-it
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