mercredi 21 août 2013

I though I'd like Clojure ...

I've been following this language and community from a distance, with wide open loving eyes. It had nice abstraction underneath, far less mutation than vintage~ Lisps, some ~syntactic niceties (words like first, rest instead of acronyms).

But coding in it felt had too much. I guess that's what Rich Hickey said, it's on the pragmatic side of things. All it brings has value on day to day problem solving. And I'm still fresh out college scheme/ml courses. But that's the thing, if I had to iterate on the lisp idea, I'd bring it closer to ML, not closer to ruby/perl (that's how I felt for the last few days). Using sml I felt my mind was constrained just enough to find abstract recursive solutions. In clojure I'm floating in a river of gems in brownian motion.

It's shallow criticism, not even criticism, just firsthand expression. I'm probably not smart enough to dive in it in 3 days and understand its idioms. This dialect different enough from lisp/schemes that my brain needs more time (says more about my brain than clojure vs others) . When finished with other things (SICP, 4clojure) I'll do a medium-- sized project in it (something I've never done on my own actually). Hoping the function based, mutation free idioms will lift me above my current limitations, whereas other languages feels comfortable doing one liners, I can never write systems in them. Maybe clojure shines at helping your mind scale above non-trivial exercises.

(lambda (k) ...)

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