mercredi 27 mars 2013

Coursera proglang epilog

Done with proglang. Lost many points because of I'm an unorganized idiot who can't recall a deadline. Unlike the scala course, proglang rules are stricter, 50% penalty right away. Anyway, got new insights and good understandings on all assignments. Both courses seems to be 2nd year college level. It's time for graduate level courses on programming. I'm revisiting old courses I took but failed (either in concept understanding or grades or both), and also starring at brown CS1730, idu C311, ...

There are initiatives for study groups about SICP, or advanced interpretation/compilation from coursera.proglang forum. Interesting, but I don't know how it's gonna be organized.

I also need 2nd-3rd year level classes in physics, chemistry, ee. And I want to take MIT classes about advanced data structures lead by E.Demaine.

That's for long term future. Short term is job hunting season opening. And right now I'm kinda blue. I liked the #coursera-pl @ freenode irc channel. All the guys here were cool (from the old timers gurus to the youngsters). I don't like to part.

Also, the sourceforge migration of some ocaml lib to github, pitched by xtrmz_ from #coursera-pl. A little push for the ocaml ecosystem, which some past teachers are so fond of.


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